Why Prepare?

Maps: US Natural Disaster Risk, Population Density, and Nuclear Facilities
Compilation of US maps indicating Natural Disaster Risks like Earthquakes, Floods, Tornadoes, and Hurricanes, along with US Population Density breakdowns by counties (from the 2020 Census) and an up-to-date map of currently operating Nuclear Plants.

Maps: US Natural Disaster Risk, Population Density, and Nuclear Facilities
Compilation of US maps indicating Natural Disaster Risks like Earthquakes, Floods, Tornadoes, and Hurricanes, along with US Population Density breakdowns by counties (from the 2020 Census) and an up-to-date map of currently operating Nuclear Plants.

The 3 famous excuses
When you talk with people about crisis preparedness (be it in regard to natural disasters, economic collapse, terrorist attack, or whatever) you quickly realize that most folks have the same tendency to react with categorical denial of the obvious…

The 3 famous excuses
When you talk with people about crisis preparedness (be it in regard to natural disasters, economic collapse, terrorist attack, or whatever) you quickly realize that most folks have the same tendency to react with categorical denial of the obvious…